'') ? 16 : 12; $width = ' style="width: '.($file_info[0] + $add_width).'px;"'; $class = ($class == '') ? '' : $class.' '; // if there's a caption if ($caption <> '') { $container_open .= '
'."\n"; $caption = $caption."\n"; $container_close .= '
'."\n"; $width = ''; $class = ''; } // if there's a link if ($link <> '') { // if it's a link to a larger version of the same image if ($link == 'large') { // get filetype for the larger image foreach ($filetypes as $type) { if (file_exists('/home/d/www/blog/images/large/'.$file.'.'.$type)) { $ext2 = '.'.$type; break; } } // if a filetype was found, set the link if (isset($ext2)) { $link_start = ''; $link_end = ''; } else { // insert error handling here // email yourself an error or whatever you want } } // else set the link to the url specified else { $link_start = ''; $link_end = ''; } } // build the html $html .= $container_open; $html .= '
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'."\n"; $html .= $caption; $html .= $container_close; // send the html back return $html; } ?>