Comments by: Darryl Millar

The person you searched for (Darryl Millar) has authored 10 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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October 2004
Oi chihuahua

That's a truly amazing photo.

Every element is simply perfect.

Great job!

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September 2004
Shoes on a wire

I wonder if shoes on a wire is probable cause for a search warrant...

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A good clean fight

I believe the correct term is to "hork" the loogie in question.

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The docking is nice, but it really doesn't compare to an MDI environment. To my knowledge, there is no MDI support in GTK at this time, which is unfortunate.

WINE actually works pretty well…

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Yeah, I assumed as much :)

What did the original sign say?

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Interesting manipulation. I'm kind of curious to know the motivation or inspiration behind it.

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Rise of the kaddle

Oh no, I'm not trying to offend anyone or anything here. What I meant to say was that I don't like graffiti. I don't want to get into an argument over what art is. Art is individual.

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No, I'm sure it makes perfect sense to the artist, just not to anyone else on the planet.

I should add, though, that I personally don't consider graffiti to be any art that I'd care to see, but…

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Yes! I knew I recognized that guy... Hah, that takes me back too.

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Any individual who claims to understand graffiti is either insane or a liar.

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