Comments by: Karan

The person you searched for (Karan) has authored 7 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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October 2004
Lemur therapy

Too right. Australians don't have anywhere near the American fixation with therapy either, and I'd just put that down to a good old fashioned moan at the pub for the guys, and some good gossip…

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Sweet September summer

Isaac, it happens regardless of whether there are comments or not - and it's not the best thing to allow it to shrink away when there's nothing in there. IE reports a Javascript error, and the…

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I didn't get any error like Isaac's in FeedDemon, but while we're on the topic of bugs - your little increase/decrease textarea code is wonderful, but in IE it causes an error if you try to…

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September 2004

bwahahah XD
the rest of the cast then?
cops/pigs/police/Upholders of the Law:
second from the left: "What in the world..?"
second from the right: "Oh my god, I can't believe he just said…

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maybe they're gonna give him some bling? pretty silver bracelets?

(on a serious note, this really does re-enforce the stereotype we see of America and its cops overseas)

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July 2004
Version 2

you do realise how much I envy you?

*wishes he had half the skills of dunstan*

Monstously well done re-design man. You make the unsexy blog world look damn good =)

How much do we have to…

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May 2004
Being single

Something tells me Swingers might just be the movie for me at the moment. Empathy goes out man :)

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