Comments by: Kevin Francis

The person you searched for (Kevin Francis) has authored 5 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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July 2004
Barbequing with the rich and famous

Dunstan, I quite look forward to these stories of yours -- they're ever so entertaining, and you _do_ tend to pick up a lot of gay attention along the way. Also, half the time the people you…

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May 2004
A shared language

Ouch! That must have been *really* awkward! You really do have a knack for getting into these situations :P

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March 2004
Putting your underwear on backwards

Uh oh. Reading an entry with the title 'Putting your underwear on backwards' does nothing to improve yout reputation at college. I now have a bunch of people wondering what is wrong with the…

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February 2004
Re-designing comment forms

That's a good idea, Dunstan. I'm going to try that for my own blog.

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January 2004
Why do authors ruin books?

Some of the books I've read had *wonderful* introductions, excellent characters, and then ... unfortunately ruined it all with non-existant plots, or even worse - plots that are corny.

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