Comments by: Marten

The person you searched for (Marten) has authored 5 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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May 2004
A shared language

Well, that's what you get for powering your site by naked Dunstan tech I guess. It gives people a mighty wrong impression :)

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January 2004
Cutting your own hair

Broken internet? Hire The Boss, he can fix it:…

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December 2003
Be nice to sheep

What about setting up a server side script as to randomly generate a new image with new sheep locations every day?

It also might be a nice touch to have a sheppard in there once a week or so.…

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Nice Titles revised

Just send dunstan the update I did myself. It now supports all tags (still user-selected, but extendible by editing an array). Hope he posts it, I don't have a blog to host it.

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Great script. I was wondering, wouldn't it be handy to do this on the acronym tag as well?

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