Comments by: Teller

The person you searched for (Teller) has authored 5 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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August 2004

As an amateur shooter I'd be as bold as to state that it's the shooter who takes the photo and not the camera. Good camera can of course help but in the hands of a bad or even mediocre photographer…

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The Shadow/Highlight tool in Photoshop CS

James - how long time did it take you? I mean now that you know the process? I understand that it's still quite some steps to be made...

I've been using shadows/highlights for as long as I got…

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May 2004
Trackback on business sites

The tallying would be a bit complicated as many trackbacks are not in English, some in languages not widely spoken (as mine, which is in Estonian). But I'm rather annoyed by the general whining…

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March 2004
Putting your underwear on backwards: the Results

So you have 4 pair of underpants... *Taking notes* When can we expect a publication in renowed science magazines?

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February 2004
Anna Riley, wish number one

The ability or knowledge to teleport (long distance relationships are kind of drag especially when she's so dear to heart). And to get rid of my lazyness. Pretty selfish :)

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