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Posts for April 2004 (4 entries)


10th April 2004, the wee hours | Comments (12)

I was browsing through our dictionary of quotations tonight, and noted down a few that caught my eye…

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A pair for every day of the week

5th April 2004, late at night | Comments (20)

It’s not too long now until I head off to San Francisco; only seventeen days in fact.

I’m going to be flying out of Heathrow, stopping off in Boston to see Ethan, and then continuing on to my new (temporary) home…

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Retro: La criada

5th April 2004, late evening | Comments (5)

Tucson, Arizona, USA ~ April, 2002.

Scene: Molly’s house.

Carmen The Maid came today, to give the house its weekly dust and polish. Not having had a cleaner before (not one I’ve paid anyway, eh mum?) I’ve no experience of the temptation to let everything go to ruin, knowing that in seven days someone will come and clear it all away again…

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Retro: Very arranged marriages

1st April 2004, early evening | Comments (35)

Tucson, Arizona, USA ~ April, 2002.

Today I stumbled across a web site called The Hindu, which is an online edition of India’s national newspaper.

In their Classifieds section they have four categories of adverts:

  1. Bridegrooms Wanted
  2. Brides Wanted
  3. Brides & Grooms Wanted
  4. Real Estate — Selling

Now, as regards Number 3: who’s actually having the wedding if they need a Bride and a Groom?