James Beverley

The person you searched for (James Beverley) was found in 2 posts. The first mention of this person in each post has been highlighted for you:

  1. Walking on Dartmoor

    11th March 2004 | Comments (25)

    …streams, and soggy bogs, make it a lovely (and easily accessible) place to go walking in the South West of England. The four of us (James B., James S., Chris, and myself) were fortunate enough to find the moors in glorious condition, with sun shining, and ground firm under…

  2. When I was…

    3rd March 2004 | Comments (40)

    …doesn’t remember the incident. When I was twelve, and on First Form Camp, I was wrongly accused of talking after lights-out (James Beverley was the true culprit) and was dragged from my tent to run up and down in the cold, wearing only one wellie and my underpants. I was also…