Post #434

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A weekend away at Sea Ranch

21st July 2004, evening time | Comments (21)

The Girlfriend and I spent this last weekend at a rented house on the Sea Ranch estates; a beautiful area of the Californian coastline, about five hours north of San Francisco.

We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves — the house was great; the hot-tub was fun; and even the car rides up and back were a giggle.

We barbecued burgers, watched the sunsets, played tennis, went for walks, and ate lunch on the rocks, with waves crashing all around us. We saw seals, deer, hawks, wild turkeys, starfish, sea anemones, rabbits, vultures, lizards, and a mystery animal that made a lot of noise in a bush, but which we never caught sight of.

All-in-all we had a lovely time.

Here are a few photos from the trip:

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Comments (21)

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  1. Bryan Peters:

    I really dig that starfish photo! On the fullsize photo, the wave blends into the white backround of my browser and gives it a trippy look.

    Posted 11 minutes after the fact
  2. Rob Mientjes:

    One thing I do not get: where are you now, and where is the GF? Seems like I've missed a point _or_ you're hiding something...

    Nice photos though.

    Posted 13 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ The Girlfriend
  3. The Girlfriend:


    I thought I'd step in and answer on Dunstan's behalf as he's probably heading to bed soon following his long day of traveling (also, thought I'd take this opportunity to make my first appearance on "The Blog"). *wave*

    Dunstan's back in the UK for a few weeks (hope it's not too much longer than that, as I'm going to be one very lonely girl!), and I'm in San Francisco. I was first mentioned last month on "The Busy Having Fun" post:


    Posted 1 hour, 7 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Rob Mientjes
    Inspired: ↓ Rob Mientjes
  4. Jeff:

    very nice photos, and I'm glad you had a good time :)

    Posted 1 hour, 12 minutes after the fact
  5. Rob Mientjes:

    *waves back*
    I did remember him saying he'd return in August, which wouldn't make you a lonely girl for that long a time. And yes, I do remember you :P Suddenly Dunstan was overwhelmed by the reactions about 'The Girlfriend', so you've become quite popular, while not even showing your face around here. Gooed job :D

    Good luck with your waiting and your Dunstan.

    Posted 1 hour, 13 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ The Girlfriend
  6. Katie:

    A few of those pictures remind me of ones I took along the Oregon coastline (

    Posted 2 hours, 9 minutes after the fact
  7. Rick Yribe:

    "but which we never caught site of."

    "site," eh? ;)

    Anyway, the photos are pretty cool, and it sounds like you two had fun.

    Posted 4 hours, 57 minutes after the fact
  8. Martin Lundberg:


    My first post over here, I have to say that it's a very nice site. I like the photos, the dear looks like a kangaru =P Well, I'll surely look back here, keep up the great work!

    (excuse the bad english)

    Martin Lundberg
    Student, Sweden

    Posted 16 hours, 29 minutes after the fact
  9. Adam Bramwell:

    Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.

    Now I know what a deer looks like when having a poo. You sell prints on request, right? ;-)

    Posted 16 hours, 33 minutes after the fact
  10. Matthew:

    I love the picture of the deer, with the slightly faded, pastel-coloured background and the much brighter rust-red of the deer. Reading your site and seeing the photos always makes me want to pick up my digicam and go learn how to shoot photos, darn it!

    Posted 16 hours, 36 minutes after the fact
  11. Martin:

    I'll have to test that sometime - I just need someone to test it with.

    You know, just to make sure it works...

    Posted 17 hours, 16 minutes after the fact
  12. Paul Griffin:

    I really dig the B&W shot of the starfish. I've been shooting quite a bit of black and white lately (poke around in my site's gallery if you're interested), I really like the mood that it evokes. It also seems to force you to think a bit more about your composition, since you can't rely on color to provide contrast.

    As always, your site is a great source of inspiration for me, Dunstan :)

    Posted 17 hours, 27 minutes after the fact
  13. Nicole:

    I'm going to go with giraffe. There are a lot of them on the northern California coastline, right?

    Posted 18 hours, 18 minutes after the fact
  14. Colin D. Devroe:

    Great composition for photos taken while on a weekend vacation. Glad to see you, Dunstan, got away from your stylesheets for a weekend. Also glad to see, The Girlfriend, that you've made Dunstan a happy boy - as he's been, well not that, for too long a time.

    Posted 19 hours, 59 minutes after the fact
  15. Mo:

    I love the pictures! Very nice job
    do you mind sharing what kind of camera do u use?


    Posted 1 day after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  16. Chad:

    Nothing quite like capturing nature in its' most private and intimate moments, eh? Never pass up the opportunity to get a shot of an animal duece'n....nice shots.

    Posted 1 day after the fact
  17. Dunstan:

    Mo, look in the colophon, it explains everything there:

    Posted 1 day, 1 hour after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Mo
  18. [m]:

    And Dunstan is *still* working his moneymaker* ... Sheesh. You have to stop working so hard. ;)

    * Wich is head, probably.

    Posted 1 day, 2 hours after the fact
  19. Oz:

    Maybe the unidentified bush rustling animal was a person. You find the weirdest of people in the strangest of places... or at least I do.

    Posted 1 day, 20 hours after the fact
  20. Kitta:

    Beautiful pictures... Well, except for the 'deer having a poo' one. :o

    I wish I had a better camera, I have a Logitech one which I took to a wedding tonight and the pictures turned out pretty bad, which is a pity. I was eyeing off another girls Sony camera, I bet her images turned out great.

    Posted 2 days, 20 hours after the fact
  21. Ben:

    Really nice photos; I like the "Deer or Giraffe?" one best. ;)

    Posted 11 months after the fact

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