Post #188

Our garden and the surrounding fields

25th January 2004, early evening | Comments (20)

I took Poppy for a walk again today, all wrapped up with a warm hat on (me, not the dog). While she ran around trying to find pheasants, I snapped a few photos:

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Comments (20)

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  1. Chris Vincent:

    You live in a beautiful area! I love the pictures. Four and six are probably my favorites.

    Posted 2 hours, 16 minutes after the fact
  2. Sian:

    You just get better and better ...

    Posted 2 hours, 38 minutes after the fact
  3. Zelnox:

    Dunstan, you mind telling your adoring fans what your camera is? ^_^

    Posted 2 hours, 38 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  4. Dunstan:

    Thanks for your comments guys :o)

    The camera is a 6.3MP Canon 10D digital SLR, with a 28-135mm USM IS lense and a 1GB Compact Flash card:

    It's very nice, but a bit big (but then it is an SLR).

    Posted 2 hours, 55 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Zelnox
  5. Jon Hicks:

    You get nice detail with that there fancy camera o' yours!

    Thanks! I was hoping for more of these...

    Posted 3 hours, 38 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan, ↓ Oliver
  6. Jemal:

    The only thing better than a blog with pretty pictures is a blog with pretty pictures and a Creative Commons license. Mmmmmmm Bookmarky.

    Posted 4 hours, 42 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  7. Dunstan:

    Oh no! Sorry about this Jemmel, but the images don't fall under that CC license (I've updated the copyright statement to reflect that).

    I'd forgotten that someone might want to use them, and since photography is part of my business I really have to remove the images from the CC license.

    Sorry about that, but it's my living :o/

    Posted 4 hours, 56 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Jemal
  8. Dunstan:

    Thanks Jon - they're nowhere near as sharp as they could be as it was all handheld in not very good light. Most of them are 800 ISO but luckily the D10 does a good job of keeping the grain down on those.

    Shutter speeds were pretty slow as well (and DOF), so I'm going to do some more of the beetroot using a tripod.

    Posted 5 hours, 3 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Jon Hicks
  9. Nicole:

    Very vivid and wonderful, Dunstan. What plant is that single bud? Also, I have never seen rhubarb in those colors. Wow.

    It's nice to see that stuff is still green in some places. Here, everything's white.

    Posted 5 hours, 3 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  10. Dunstan:

    Hey Nicole, that's not rhubarb, it's beetroot :o)
    The rhubarb is growing under the bell (and a layer of dry leaves).

    As for the single bud, I've always called it rosehip, but I might be mistaken. It's just a very common berry-thing in our hedges here.

    Posted 5 hours, 9 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Nicole
    Inspired: ↓ Nicole
  11. Nicole:

    Hmmm. I suppose that's why it doesn't look like any rhubarb I've ever seen.

    Of course, if I had followed the pictures (even a little) I probably could have figured out that it wasn't rhubarb.

    Posted 5 hours, 19 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
  12. Zelnox:

    Dunstan, if you cook, maybe you can share some recipes too (and images of the food for those who can't cook, haha). ^_^

    Posted 6 hours, 50 minutes after the fact
  13. Colin D. Devroe:

    What keeps you from creating a photo gallery for your website? Looked like a good day for photo snapping too. Overcast, or gray days, are always best.

    Posted 22 hours, 45 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  14. Dunstan:

    Well Colin, I already have a big photo gallery on my 'photo' site, so I don't really want to make another one here.

    (That site needs a huge overhaul, some new photos, and much nicer backend code, but it'll do for now.)

    I might end up writing some gallery stuff just for this site (for all the silly pictures that I don't want to advertise as for sale in some form), but that won't happen for a wee while.

    I imagine I'll redo the photo site first, and then take whatever lessons I've learned from that to create something here.

    And yes, grey days are by far the best for that kind of photography - bright sun creates too many shadows doesn't it?

    Posted 22 hours, 53 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Colin D. Devroe
    Inspired: ↓ Colin D. Devroe
  15. Colin D. Devroe:

    It does, but it also causes harsh reflections, sun spots, etc. Typically, the best color can be gathered by the lens when there isn't a harsh lightsource.

    Shadows, from time to time can be very useful when showing things like scale, depth, etc. So I like shadows. I also look for an evening type shot, when I want shadows, because it will definately give me a specific direction for the shadow, and it shouldn't be all that harsh because the suns rays are going through more atmosphere at that time of day.

    I actually didn't know you had a photography site, sorry for the dumb 'Q' then.

    Posted 22 hours, 57 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  16. Dunstan:

    "...sorry for the dumb 'Q' then."

    Not at all, I don't actually have any links to it here... maybe I ought to :o/

    Yes, I'll alter the Colophon to reflect that. Thanks :o)

    Posted 23 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Colin D. Devroe
  17. Chris Hester:

    188ff.jpg is my favourite. I think I have those growing near my front door. Beautiful photo!

    Posted 2 days after the fact
  18. Mark Fusco:

    I just looked through the photography portion of your site - very nice.

    Did you take those with the camera you mention in one of the replies on this post - the Canon 10D?

    Honestly, very impressed with your skills.

    Posted 4 days, 3 hours after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  19. Dunstan:

    Mark, some of the photos are taken with the 10D, some are taken with the D60 (it's predecessor), some are taken with a little point-and-shoot digital, some are taken with a little point-and-shoot 35mm, and some with my dad's old 1964 Pentax Spotmatic 35mm SLR.

    But they're a bit mixed up on the site, so I can't say "1-80 are with the Spotmatic". If you want to know about a particular photo then send me an email and I'll let you know which camera I took it with.

    Posted 4 days, 3 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Mark Fusco
  20. Oliver:

    John Hicks

    As you are a nobel economist I find your interest in the camera fascinating.


    Posted 5 months, 2 weeks after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Jon Hicks

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