Post #488

Baseball pitcher at SBC Park

15th September 2004, mid-afternoon | Comments (14)

A montage of a baseball pitcher, playing at SBC Park, home of the San Francisco Giants
Justin Wayne of the Florida Marlins, pitching at the San Francisco Giants’ SBC Park

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  1. Daniel:

    WHOA! that's awesome. Did it take long to put that together? Very cool, and visually stunning.

    Posted 10 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Scott, ↓ Dunstan
  2. ACJ:

    I've seen similar effects at the broadcast of the NBA Slam-dunk Contest. Way cool.

    Posted 24 minutes after the fact
  3. Craig:

    schwing... crikey, with SF baseball pictures appearing here and on I'm starting to feel the west coast sports fan rise up in me. I only visited for six days back in February and now the blogosphere is making me want to return. Great photo Dunstan.

    Posted 36 minutes after the fact
  4. Scott:

    I really like that effect Dunstan :) How long did it take?

    Posted 40 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Daniel
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  5. Daniel S.:

    First thing that strikes my mind seeing this picture is that baseball actually could be entertaining if each team had four pitchers throwing at the same time :)
    Second thing is that it's a cool photo.

    Posted 1 hour, 14 minutes after the fact
  6. Dunstan:

    It took a couple of hours in total, although if I was doing it again, it'd be a lot quicker.
    One neat thing is that the shadows work — they're see-through, so you can see the guy's foot through the shadow, and when shadows overlap they get darker.

    When I get a moment I'll try and write a little tutorial on how to do this sort of thing.

    Posted 1 hour, 21 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Daniel, ↑ Scott
    Inspired: ↓ Scott, ↓ Chris Hester
  7. Scott:

    Dunstan, I would love if you could do that. To go off topic a little, I was thinking about simplicity in blogs and yours does that wonderfully but also has detail </off_topic>

    Posted 1 hour, 23 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
  8. Andrei Herasimchuk:

    Forget the pitcher. (As awesome a shot as it is.) Let's hear a Brit's thoughts on what has to be the best baseball park in the United States! PacBell rules!

    Don't you love loaded questions?

    Posted 1 hour, 25 minutes after the fact
    Inspired: ↓ Dunstan
  9. Dunstan:

    SBC Park was just what I expect from American sports, huge, lots of walking to get to your seat, and lots of off-limit places that I really wanted to go.

    I had a good time there though, and will certainly be going back :o)

    I've also been to Boston's ground, Oakland's ground, and the Mets' ground, but I'd be hard pushed to choose a favorite. I can't remember that much about them to be honest, although Boston left me with a nice, homely feeling.

    Here's a hastily made pano of the inside of SBC Park:

    Posted 1 hour, 49 minutes after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Andrei Herasimchuk
  10. Ram:

    Wow. That was one cool image. I am waiting for you to post the tutorial to do something like that.

    Posted 2 hours, 19 minutes after the fact
  11. Rob Mientjes:

    This is so cool, you should really post a tutorial on this. It just has something special, and that's probably the trick too... *shrugs*

    Posted 7 hours, 4 minutes after the fact
  12. Scott:

    From an observational standpoint San Fransisco's SBC Park strikes as being very similar to it's host city - stunningly beautiful, classic in style but modern in amenities, and just a bit different from anywhere else - it truly looks amazing and I hope to be able to visit one day.

    Dunstan, I am so glad to hear that you have had a chance to visit Fenway Park in Boston. I am from the east coast of the United States and consider that park to be one of New England's crown jewels. There aren't many places where the arena is just as much a part of the team as the players themselves. Fenway is magical and I recommend it to anyone who loves history or sporting events in general.

    Thank you for posting these amazing pictures - they definitely brightened up my morning!

    Posted 16 hours, 20 minutes after the fact
  13. Chris Hester:

    Dunstan, you've got to write that tutorial! I've just been to your photography portfolio and the two pictures of the guy diving into the swimming pool are just *perfect*!

    My guess is that you put the camera onto rapid shot mode and cut loosely round the bodies. Assuming the light didn't change much at all between shots, the background should line up perfectly. Maybe a bit of tonal tweaking involved. Beyond that, I've no idea how you do it! (As for the parts of the guy's body that overlap himself - you've got me there. Surely you didn't cut delicately round each shape?)

    Posted 4 days, 21 hours after the fact
    Inspired by: ↑ Dunstan
  14. Zzen:

    Alright! Let the wild guessing begin. ;)

    1) use the continuous shooting mode of your Canon 10D to burst 4 pictures
    2) try to construct a clear background sans the player by cutting out chunks from all the pictures and pasting them to respective places
    3) subtract the "background image" from each of the pictures to get an alpha-blended figure of the player without the background but preserving the shadows
    4) layer the figures on top of each other (and all of them over the background image)
    5) flatten, export, publish ;)

    Nevertheless, it's a very cool photo Dunstan, indeed.

    Posted 4 days, 22 hours after the fact

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