Comments by: Andrew Hayward

The person you searched for (Andrew Hayward) has authored 4 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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August 2004
28 years ago today

Happy birthday!

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Redesign explained: tag transformations

ACJ, I think what Dunstan means as an event might be more appropriately described as an "action" on the individual's part - <action type="speech">...</action&#… However, I'm not…

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June 2004
England 5 Portugal 6

You would have to bring that up, wouldn't you?! And you're not even in the country!

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May 2004
Being single

I do care, and I'm not lying, but I don't sweat. That may be because I'm not a very sweaty person, or possibly because I don't actually remember the last time the situation arose! Seriously though,…

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