Comments by: Martin

The person you searched for (Martin) has authored 9 comments. They are shown below in reverse date-order, and grouped by the post they belong to:

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October 2004
Die photos, die!


I had sort of the same problem with a smarty-pants "reader" recently...…

Love your work, keep it up!

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Hitler who?

I just wanted to praise this blog, it's so beautiful, its articles are really good and it's a place to discuss important topics without ending in a flame. Dunstan, (and of course all of the…

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Baseball batter at Oakland Coliseum

I agree - Damn!

Looks like you had really good seats... :)

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September 2004
Droopy Dog

Nice contrast with the focus :)

Is that The Girlfriend in the background ?

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August 2004
28 years ago today


I wish you good health for the year ahead, as it seems you have everything else waxed!

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July 2004
A weekend away at Sea Ranch

I'll have to test that sometime - I just need someone to test it with.

You know, just to make sure it works...

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Dynamic @import CSS files using PHP

ok i have done this for a while...
actually i have gone one step further (or in the middle of)
im putting all the rules in a nicely ordered xml file then iterating over it in my dynamic…

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Barbequing with the rich and famous

Since the international flavour seems to be cooking, I thought a comment from down here in South Africa would be apt.. Cell C (one of our 3 cellular providers) recently flighted an ad where a large…

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April 2004
A pair for every day of the week

Now I'm just guessing here - and Dunstan you'll have to excuse me if I'm wrong - but I'm guessing our host is journeying to the States on the visa waiver programme, hence the necessity to return…

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